Collaboration with energy efficiency manufacturer

Collaboration with energy efficiency manufacturer

We are happy to announce that we are collaborating with energy efficiency products manufacturers, who will promote Start2Act to their stakeholders.

Our latest cooperation agreement was signed with EGG Lighting.

EGG Lighting makes it easy to maximise customers LED lighting & sensor savings potential, handling everything clients need under one roof - from an initial lighting survey and consultation, through supporting businesses grant application, design, supply and install phases. They have been delivering B2B projects in the public and private sectors since 2013, with a portfolio including office, warehouse, commercial, street lighting, prison and social housing clients.

More information on EGG Lighting here

Tip of the day
Check your out of hours energy consumption by taking a meter reading at the end of the day and in the morning. The difference is the amount of electricity wasted EVERY day. Now hunt down as many things as possible to bring this closer to zero.

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