Tools and resources

  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for ICT Services (SAT-S)
    The SAT-S allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of a digital service (that you use or provide) based on 1 year of use of the service assessed. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and eventually become greener in your ICT elements.
  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for Organisations (SAT-O)
    The SAT-O allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of your ICT organisation or the IT department of your organisation, based on 1 year of activity. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and overall carbon emissions, either directly linked to the company activities or not (e.g. business travel and commuting of your staff).
  • Carbon Trust Creating an Awareness Campaign Guide
    This 29-page guide to employee engagement provides ideas and resources to motivate everybody to save energy, to help engage staff in making your workplace more energy efficient. 
  • Carbon Trust Green your Business for Growth Guide
    Green growth - delivering sustainable business value. Grow your business by improving its environmental credentials with our guide to succeeding in the green economy.  
  • Carbon Trust Introduction to Energy Management Guide
    Simple and effective ways to help your business save money through energy management, monitoring and managing your energy use more efficiently. 
  • Carbon Trust Maximising Savings in an Office Environment Guide
    This overview for office based companis introduces the main energy saving opportunities for businesses and demonstrates how simple actions save energy, cut costs and increase productivity.
  • Carbon Trust Monitoring & Targeting Guide
    This 31-page guide presents energy monitoring and targeting (M&T) from two perspectives: routine M&T, and target-setting and diagnosis.
  • Carbon Trust Office Equipment Guide
    This technology overview for office equipment introduces the main energy saving opportunities for businesses and demonstrates how simple actions can save energy, cut costs, improve comfort and increase profit margins.
  • Energy Lens - Energy Management Software
    Energy Lens is a tool for charting and analysing energy consumption. This software was designed and built on a simple premise: You can only start to save energy when you clearly see how you're using it.
  • EU ENERGY STAR qualified office equipment database
    This database contains products that are qualified under the latest active ENERGY STAR specifications. Visitors can navigate per category of products using the menu and then using filters to view relevant products per product category and subcategory. 
  • GE Lighting LED tools
    A variety of tools to calculate return on investment for lighting upgrades.
  • Implementing sustainable procurement
    A guide to addressing the barriers to sustainable procurement using an inclusive approach that embodies change management, which is key to successful implementation.
  • LED lighting savings calculator
    Find out how much money you can save by swapping to LED. This simple tool uses the bulb you have now to calculate potential savings and offers an energy-efficient LED alternative.
  • SEAI Energy Awareness Resources
    SEAI energy facts for employee awareness, to use in your own campaigns.
  • SEAI Energy Map
    Energy MAP is the Energy Management Action Plan from SEAI. It is an online tool which provides a step by step guide to creating a best practise action plan for your business. The 20 steps of Energy MAP are divided into of five pillars of excellent energy management: Commit, Identify, Plan, Take Action and Review.
  • SEAI Energy Wizard
    Create a bespoke energy saving action checklist by navigating through sector-specific advice relating to heating and cooling, lighting, office equipment, renewable energy, manufacturing and more. Track your progress against these actions over time.
  • Home Energy Check
    Use Home Energy Check to find out how you can achieve lower energy bills and a more comfortable home. Take away a report with details of cost-effective improvement measures recommended for your home, based on the information you provide.
  • Tenants' energy efficiency upgrade rights
    Guide on tenants' rights to request consent to energy efficiency improvements.
  • The Ecogator
    Your personal advisor app for energy saving shopping and living
  • Water saving calculator
    Take a tour through the virtual home and answer the quick and easy questions to find out how much water and energy your household uses.
  • Window glazing energy saving calculator
    Calculate your energy and cost savings by upgrading your windows from single to double glazing.
Tip of the day
Talk to each other on energy usage: from management to employees.

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